Dr. Michaela Quinn, M.D. (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman) – Imagine being a female doctor in the late 1800s. Now imagine being a female doctor in the tiny town of Colorado Springs, Colorado in the late 1800s after not being able to find work as a female physician in your native Boston. With all these circumstances plotting against her, “Dr. Mike” ends up becoming one of TV’s greatest female leads because she’s just so completely badass. When no one in town will give her the time of day, she lets the town’s current “doctor” - a man who is actually just the town’s barber and plays doctor once in a while - pull one of her teeth without sedation or anesthesia. Throughout six seasons, Dr. Quinn stands up to racism, anti-semitism, censorship, violence against Native Americans, and a whole plethora of other social issues. All this while keeping the folks of Colorado Springs healthy with some quite primitive medical supplies.